Several Definitions of Energy Terms

Pada saat saya menduduki semeter ke tiga dan ke empat. Saya kesulitan untuk mencari beberapa istilah mengenai pakan ternak. Bahkan di Internet juga jarang ada -mbah google juga belum banyak cari tahu,,hehe. Sehingga saya berbagi kepada teman-teman tentang beberapa definisi yang dipakai untuk menjelaskan mengenai kandungaan energi dalam bahan pakan.

Heat Increment: HI (Kcal/kg)
Portion of ME required for the utilization of the remaining net energy for maintenance and production.

Metabolize Energy: ME (Kcal/kg)
Gross energy of food intake minus energy lost in faeces, urine and combustible gases.The usable of feed energy.

Net Energy: NE (Kcal/kg)
Metabolize energy minus heat increment: NE includes the amount of energy used for maintenance and for production.

Net Energy for Maintenance: Nem (Kcal/kg)
Metabolize energy minus heat increment and minus net energy for production. It is the fraction of NE expended to keep the animal in energy equilibrium.

Net Energy for Production: Nep (Kcal/kg)
Metabolize energy minus heat increment and minus net energy for maintenance. The fraction of NE is used for tissue gain and/or work.

Gross Energy: GE (Kcal/kg)
Total heat produced when a feed ingredient is burned. Measured in the bombcalorimeter.

Digestible Energy: DE (Kcal/kg)
Gross energy of feed intake minus faecal energy.

Total Digestible Energy: TDN (%)
Digestible protein + digestible fiber percent + digestible nitrogen – free-extract percent plus 2.25 times the content of digestible crude fat.

Gesamthahrstoff: GN (g/kg)
Same with TDN but with factor 2.3 for digestible crude fat.

Source: Pocket Guide NRA


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